Great deals covering all business division customers – enjoy exploring our value deals!!
2024 CAT J350 Tips Flash Sale Time : 2024/03/11~2024/03/15 Note: The promotion is only applicable for purchases made on PARTS.CAT.COM and requires the use of the promotion code GET2024. The promotion code is valid for purchases of 40 or more J350 tips, and customers are eligible for special pricing on adapters. If the tips or adapters are out of stock, shipment dates will be based on CAT's shipping schedule. For inquiries regarding this promotion or any other specific matters, please contact our local sales representative for assistance. Capital Machinery Limited reserves the right to modify, terminate, or replace this promotion with equivalent rewards. Any changes or terminations will be announced in company publications, such as the website. Any unresolved matters will be handled according to the company's regulations or interpretations.
2023 CAT Hose Promotion is here! Exclusive for a short period! Enjoy the lowest annual discount! CAT Hoses are safe, reliable, and high-performance, suitable for all brands and models. Hoses are widely used in many types of construction machinery, especially in complex working conditions, where product quality is more noticeable! -------------------------------------- Promotion Period: 2023/11/11-2023/11/30 Promotion Details: (1) Discounted products include all CAT oil hose combination packs. Enjoy a 60% discount when ordering on the PCC platform. (2) This promotion is only applicable to combination packs. Remarks: ○ Pre-orders will be shipped one month after receipt, based on order priority. ○ For more models, please contact the parts department. The minimum purchase quantity for one set is 8 hoses.
中華機械夏日購物季來啦!享受炎炎夏日的超值優惠 活動辦法 活動期間: 2023/08/14~2023/09/30 (好評延期至2023/10/06) 優惠價格僅限於在使用促銷代碼(promo code)購買貨物,價格為一般價的固定折扣,所以不會另外發零件清單。 促銷代碼 折數 適用產品 CAT23 6 接地件/底盤/新品 噴油嘴&燃油泵/電瓶 CAT23REM 5 原廠再製品 噴油嘴&燃油泵 SUMFILTER 73 濾清器 & 其他零件 (冷卻液、添加劑、油漆、冷氣濾清…等) SUMOIL 85 部分油品 (單一料號,小桶12桶/大桶2桶以上) SUMTRACK 4 320 履帶總成一台份(產品料號5902865*2) 活動期間內於中華機械Line官方帳號 (@cmltw)完成註冊且於PCC購買之零件將於活動結束後累計金額,滿額可獲得以下滿額禮。 累積消費金額級距 (新台幣) 滿額贈品 滿750,000 Dyson V15 Detect™ Absolute 無線吸塵器乙台 滿500,000 Apple iPad 10 (64G WIFI Only) 乙台 滿300,000 Apple AirPods Pro (第2代) 乙個 + HomePod mini乙個 滿100,000 統一超商3,000元虛擬商品卡 乙張 滿10,000 CAT 鑰匙圈 乙個+ 帽子 乙頂 + 雨傘 乙把 滿5,000 CAT 鑰匙圈 乙個 + 帽子 乙頂 滿2,000 CAT鑰匙圈 乙個 購買320 履帶總成一台份(5902865*2)還可加贈CAT 320 GC 1:50比例模型 乙個。 因任何理由將活動期間內購買之貨品退貨,該筆訂單金額將不予以累計。 以上金額皆以活動期間內PCC訂購金額未稅計算。 兌換方式 本公司將在活動結束之後,統一計算客戶累計之金額後另行通知客戶,消費累積金額不得拆分兌換獎項或與其他帳戶合併計算。 滿額贈品需於貨款費用繳清,且確認無誤後請業務轉交並簽收。 注意事項 基於消費者保護法第19條規範,網購商品可於收到商品七日內進行退貨,逾期不受理退貨。 本公司若無現貨,出貨日期須以CAT出貨交期為主。 本活動優惠僅限PCC,線下購買一律以原價計算且無法累計消費金額。 若回饋之贈品遇缺貨等不可抗力因素,而無法如期發送贈品,本公司基於善意之原則,將協助客戶以同等級其他贈品替代之,但客戶如堅持兌換缺貨之贈品,本公司有權延後發送贈品時間。 本活動所贈送之贈品以實際商品為主,恕無法指定款式或顏色。 若欲詢問本活動相關問題或其他特殊事項,請洽詢各區銷售業務為您說明。 修改與終止 本公司 保留變更、終止本活動及替換其他等值獎項之權利,本活動如有變更或終止時,將刊登於本公司相關刊物(如網站等)。若有其他未盡事宜,悉依本公司相關規定或解釋辦理。
CAT Hose are now available at a 55% discount, and the discount is still significant! CAT has over 40 years of experience in designing and manufacturing Hose. CAT's standards for hose are usually stricter than industry standards. The design of its joint products takes into account the integrity of the system, and can pass strict testing to ensure excellent performance in various applications. High-quality hydraulic components are extremely important, especially high-quality hoses and joints. Correct pressing and matching installation, reliable design and high-quality production processes are all crucial for hoses and joints. Mismatched pressed hose joints can not only cause economic losses and environmental pollution but also pose fatal hazards. Be sure to grab the discount offer between June 19 and June 30, 2023. You can order at or call the service hotline at 0800-000197.
2023 20T Excavator Special Offer! The Grand Prize goes to GunWei Enterprise Co., Ltd. #ChooseCATwithNoDoubt After a three-month-long promotion on our 20T excavator, on the day of the Capital Machinery Limited Guandu HQ Grand Opening Event on 24th May, our lucky winner was drawn by Mr. Lawrence Poh, the CEO of LSH Machinery. Congratulations to the winner, Junwei Enterprise Co., Ltd. from the Central District!
PARTS.CAT.COM is online now! To celebrate PARTS.CAT.COM (PCC) online, we would like to have you the most attractive promotion sale in 2023 on filters, oil, as well as 320 tracks! Get a free CAT cap on the first order of NTD 1,000 (after tax) Limited quantity, first to win! > Contact your parts sales immediately to get your PCC account & password > Go to Parts.Cat.Com and check it out It's so easy to order with a simple click!